Logotipo librería Marcial Pons
The age of heretics

The age of heretics
a history of the radicals thinkers who reinvented corporate management

  • ISBN: 9780470190708
  • Editorial: Jossey-Bass Ltd.
  • Lugar de la edición: Hoboken. Canadá
  • Edición número: 2nd ed.
  • Colección: A Warren Bennis Book
  • Encuadernación: Cartoné
  • Medidas: 24 cm
  • Nº Pág.: 391
  • Idiomas: Español

Papel: Cartoné
22,74 €
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ÍNDICE: Foreword by Warren Bennis. Preface by Steven Wheeler and Walter McFarland. 1. Monastics: Corporate Culture and Its Discontents, 1945 to Today. 2. Pelagians: National Training Laboratories, 1947-1962. 3. Reformists: Workplace Redesign at Procter & Gamble and the Gaines Dog Food Plant in Topeka, 1961-1973. 4. Protesters: Saul Alinsky, FIGHTON, Campaign GM, and the Shareholder Activism Movement, 1964-1971. 5. Mystics: Royal Dutch/Shell's Scenario Planners, 1967-1973. 6. Lovers of Faith and Reason: Heretical Engineers at Stanford Research Institute and MIT, 1955-1971. 7. Parzival's Dilemma: Edie Seashore, Chris Argyris, and Warren Bennis, 1959-1979. 8. Millenarians: Erewhon, the SRI Futures Group, Herman Kahn, Royal Dutch/Shell, and Amory Lovins, 1968-1979. 9. The Rapids: Hayes and Abernathy, Tom Peters, W. Edwards Deming, the Creators of GE Work-Out, and Other Synthesizers of Management Change, 1974-1982. Bibliography. Notes. Acknowledgments.


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