Logotipo librería Marcial Pons

critical perspectives on business and management

  • ISBN: 9780415251501
  • Lugar de la edición: London. None
  • Encuadernación: Cartoné
  • Medidas: 24 cm
  • Volumen: 4
  • Nº Pág.: 1500
  • Idiomas: Inglés

Papel: Cartoné
936,40 €
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Whilst there are a wide number of competing definitions of strategy there is a consensus about its importance, about its ability to determine whether a company succeeds or fails. This comprehensive collection on all aspects of strategy: explores different conceptions of strategy, from the classical, rational models of Porter, through the empirical, emergent emphasis of Mintzberg to the competence based models of Grant and others; considers the relationship between strategy and other subjects including economics and organizational studies; covers key developments including scenario planning, networks and strategic groups and knowledge; looks at the implications of globalization and international management; examines key strategic decisions including diversification and mergers and acquisitions With a new introduction by the editor and an extensive index. This collection should prove a useful reference tool and teaching aid Table of Contents Volume I part 1 Economics and strategy: R.E. Caves, industrial organization, corporate strategy and structure - a survey, "Journal of Economic Literature" (1980) M.E. Porter, the contributions of industrial organization to strategic management, "Academy of Management Review" (1981) P. Friedman Hirsch and M. Koza, collaboration or paradigm shift - caveat emptor and the risk of romance with economic models of strategy and policy research, "Organization Science" (1990) J.A. Kay, economics and business, "The Economic Journal" (1991) J. Child, organizational structure, environment and performance - the role of strategic choice, "Sociology" (1972). Part 2 The rational strategic planning tradition: H. Mintzberg and J. Walters, of strategies, deliberate and emergent "Strategic Management Journal" (1985). Part 3 Contributions from the other social sciences: H. Mintzberg, the design school - reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management, "Strategic Management Journal" (1990) E.E. Chaffee, three models of strategy, "Academy of Man


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