Logotipo librería Marcial Pons

Wassily Leontief and input-output economics

  • ISBN: 9780521832380
  • Editorial: Cambridge University Press
  • Lugar de la edición: Cambridge. Reino Unido
  • Encuadernación: Cartoné
  • Medidas: 23 cm
  • Nº Pág.: 396
  • Idiomas: Inglés

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Wassily Leontief (1905-1999) was the founding father of input-output economics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1973. This book offers a collection of papers in memory of Leontief by his students and close colleagues. ÍNDICE : 1. A portrait of the master as a young man Paul A. Samuelson 2. Leontief's 'Magnificent Machine' and other contributions to applied economics Karen R. Polenske 3. International trade: evolution in the thought and analysis of Wassily Leontief Faye Duchin 4. Leontief and the future of the world economy Emilio Fontela 5. Leontief's input-output table and the French development plan Henri Aujac 6. Experiences with input-output and isomorphic analytical tools in spatial economics Jean H. P. Paelinck 7. Leontief and dynamic regional models William H. Miernyk 8. Leontief and Schumpeter: a joint heritage with surprises Andrew Brody and Anne P. Carter 9. Some highlights in the life of Wassily Leontief - an interview with Estelle and Wassily Leontief Christian de Bresson. Part II. Perspectives of Input-Output Economics: 10. A neoclassical analysis of TFP using input-output prices Thijs ten Raa 11. What has happened to the Leontief paradox? Edward N. Wolff 12. The decline in labor compensation's share of GDP: a structural decomposition analysis for the US, 1982-1997 Erik Kietzenbacher, Michael L. Lahr and Bart Los 13. An oligopoly model in a Leontief framework Robert E. Kuenne 14. Economies of plant-scale and structural change Iwao Okaki 15. Technological change and capital accumulation in Japan Masahiro Kuroda and Koji Nomura 16. Japan's economic growth and policy making in the context of input- output models Shuntaro Shishido 17. Contributions of input-output analysis to the understanding of technological change: the information sector in the United States Lawrence R. Klein, Vijaya Duggal and Cynthia Saltzman 18. Can investment change trade patterns? An application of dynamic input-output models linked by international trade to an Italian poli

Eds. Erik Dietzenbacher and Michael L.Lahr


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