Logotipo librería Marcial Pons
The Artic promise

The Artic promise
legal and political autonomy of Greenland and Nunavut

  • ISBN: 9780802094865
  • Editorial: University of Toronto Press
  • Lugar de la edición: Toronto. Estados Unidos de Norteamérica
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Medidas: 23 cm
  • Nº Pág.: 237
  • Idiomas: Inglés

Papel: Rústica
36,08 €
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In Canada's Eastern Arctic and Greenland, the Inuit have been the majority for centuries. In recent years, they have been given a promise from Canadian and Danish governments that offers them more responsibility for their lands and thus control over their lives without fear of being out-numbered by outsiders. "The Arctic Promise" looks at how much the Inuit vision of self-governance relates to the existing public governance systems of Greenland and Nunavut, and how much autonomy there can be for territories that remain subordinate units of larger states. By means of a bottom-up approach, involving cultural immersion, contextual, jurisprudential, and historical legal comparisons of Greenland and Nunavut, "The Arctic Promise" examines the forms, evolution, and scope of the right to autonomy in these Arctic jurisdictions. Loukacheva argues that the right to autonomy should encompass or protect Inuit jurisdiction in legal systems and the administration of justice, and allow the Inuit direct participation in international affairs where their homelands are concerned. "The Arctic Promise" deals with areas of comparative constitutional law, international law, Aboriginal law, legal anthropology, political science and international relations, using each to contribute to the understanding of the right to indigenous autonomy.


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