European Private Internacional Law
- ISBN: 9788409616480
- Editorial: Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca y Javier Carrascosa González (autores-editores)
- Fecha de la edición: 2024
- Lugar de la edición: Murcia. España
- Edición número: 2ª ed.
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Medidas: 24 cm
- Nº Pág.: 576
- Idiomas: Español
This work presents the updated content of current European prívate internatíonal law.
It ¡s, in fact, a book of law written by several authors from Spain and Italy: professors Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Javier Carrascosa González, Silvia Marino, María Asunción Cebrián Salvat and Isabel Lorente Martínez.
This book, in its second edition, is intended for anyone interested in studying and f leamingabout the prívate internatíonal law system of the European Union. In this sense, it ‘ attempts to clearly explain the fundamental structures of this fascinating branch of law as [ well as to convey a series of interesting, intuitive, constructive and brilliant ideas that may [ set the course for the future.
This book understands EU prívate internatíonal law as a product of the culture of [ European society. European prívate international law is not a mere set of rules, a series of I European regulations that come out of nowhere: it is a very important part of the (legal) culture of Europe; it is a cultural product that is part of European civilisation. In this sense,
I the authors believe in Europe and in the valúes that Europe has represented for more than I two hundred years. We believe in Europe as an ideal of a free and diverse society made up I of free and diverse people. This book is a tribute to freedom – to freedom of movement of persons, families, goods, capitals, companies and Services, and also a homage to business I freedom in a market economy. It is a tribute to prívate international law, which makes all thesefreedoms possible.
Chapter I. Private International law. The fundamental issues.
Chapter II. The Private International law of the European Union. Sources, methods, matters.
Chapter III. Natural person.
Chapter IV. Marrlage and registered partnershlps. Parenthood and adoption.
Chapter V. Matrimonial property reglmes and property consequences of registered partnerships
Chapter VI. Divorce, legal separation and nulllty of marrlage.
Chapter Vil. Parental responslbillty.
Chapter VIII. Chlld abductlon.
Chapter IX. Maintenance obllgations.
Chapter X. Successlon. 1
Chapter XI. Jurisdiction ¡n civil and commerclal matters. Regulation Brussels I-bis 1215/2012.
Chapter XII. Legal persons and companles.
Chapter XIII. Contracts (I). The Rome I Regulation.
Chapter XIV. Contracts (II). Contracts of carrlage, Insurance contracts, agency and donations.
Chapter XV. Contracts (III). Consumer contracts.
Chapter XVI. Contracts (IV). Cross-border Individual contract of employment .
Chapter XVII. Torts. The Rome II Regulation.
Chapter XVIII. Rlghts in rem. Property and trusts.
Chapter XIX. Intelectual Property.
Chapter XX. Insolvency proceedlngs.
Chapter XXI. Free movement of judgments ¡n civil matters in the European Union.
Chapter XXII. Arbitration ¡n International buslness.
Chapter XXIII. The judicial process. Taking of evldence and Service of documents in the EU
ChapterXXIV. European Regulatlons on unlform civil procedure.
Chapter XXV. Medlatlon ¡n private International law.