Can financial markets be controlled?
- ISBN: 9780745688312
- Editorial: Polity Press
- Fecha de la edición: 2015
- Lugar de la edición: Cambridge. Reino Unido
- Encuadernación: Rústica
- Medidas: 20 cm
- Nº Pág.: 123
- Idiomas: Inglés
The Global Financial Crisis overturned decades of received wisdomon how financial markets work, and how best to keep them in check.Since then a wave of reform and re-regulation has crashed overbanks and markets. Financial firms are regulated as neverbefore. But have these measures been successful, and do they go farenough? In this smart new polemic, former central banker andfinancial regulator, Howard Davies, responds with a resounding no . The problems at the heart of the financial crisisremain. There is still no effective co-ordination of internationalmonetary policy. The financial sector is still too big and,far from protecting the economy and the tax payer, recentgovernment legislation is exposing both to even greater risk. To address these key challenges, Davies offers a radicalalternative manifesto of reforms to restore market discipline andcreate a safer economic future for us all.