This book examines the relationship between demographic growth and economic development in eight Arab countries. Despite a slowdown in demographic growth, as a result of the change in the age structure of the population, the labour force is increasing rapidly. In other parts of the ...
This book examines the relationship between demographic growth and economic development in eight Arab countries. Despite a slowdown in demographic growth, as a result of the change in the age structure of the population, the labour force is increasing rapidly. In other parts of the ...
Foreword by William Easterly. By the end of the twentieth century, sub-Saharan Africa had experienced twenty-five years of economic and political disaster. While 'economic miracles' in China and India raised hundreds of millions from extreme poverty, Africa seemed to have been overtaken by violent conflict ...
Foreword by William Easterly. By the end of the twentieth century, sub-Saharan Africa had experienced twenty-five years of economic and political disaster. While 'economic miracles' in China and India raised hundreds of millions from extreme poverty, Africa seemed to have been overtaken by violent conflict ...
What has happened to the German economic miracle? Rebuilding from the rubble and ruin of two world wars, Germany in the second half of the twentieth century recaptured its economic strength. High-quality German- made products ranging from precision tools to automobiles again conquered world markets ...
What has happened to the German economic miracle? Rebuilding from the rubble and ruin of two world wars, Germany in the second half of the twentieth century recaptured its economic strength. High-quality German- made products ranging from precision tools to automobiles again conquered world markets ...
¿Qué sabemos de este mundo? Poca cosa; se nos dice que estamos en la sociedad de la información, pero sabemos que es engañosa, parcial, tendenciosa... Lo poco que sabemos nos demuestra que va bastante mal...: 40 millones de enfermos de sida; 700 millones de personas ...
¿Qué sabemos de este mundo? Poca cosa; se nos dice que estamos en la sociedad de la información, pero sabemos que es engañosa, parcial, tendenciosa... Lo poco que sabemos nos demuestra que va bastante mal...: 40 millones de enfermos de sida; 700 millones de personas ...
Belacqva de Ediciones y Publicaciones. Barcelona, 2009
Este libro surge de la experiencia periodística del autor como editor y corresponsal para América Latina durante más de veinticinco años para los más prestigiosos medios de comunicación ingleses.
Belacqva de Ediciones y Publicaciones. Barcelona, 2009
Este libro surge de la experiencia periodística del autor como editor y corresponsal para América Latina durante más de veinticinco años para los más prestigiosos medios de comunicación ingleses.
In the many studies of the World Bank a critical issue has been missed. While writers have looked at the bank's political economy, lending, conditions, advice, ownership and accounting for issues such as the environment, this study looks at the bank as an organization ...
50,55 €
Sin stock. Impresión bajo demanda. En firme sin devolución
50,55 €
Sin stock. Impresión bajo demanda. En firme sin devolución
In the many studies of the World Bank a critical issue has been missed. While writers have looked at the bank's political economy, lending, conditions, advice, ownership and accounting for issues such as the environment, this study looks at the bank as an organization ...
Si el siglo XX fue el siglo de América, el siglo XXI lo será de China. Jim Rogers muestra en este libro cómo cualquier inversor puede encontrar un amplio abanico de vías para participar en el #mayor boom económico desde la revolución industrial inglesa#. Esta ...
Si el siglo XX fue el siglo de América, el siglo XXI lo será de China. Jim Rogers muestra en este libro cómo cualquier inversor puede encontrar un amplio abanico de vías para participar en el #mayor boom económico desde la revolución industrial inglesa#. Esta ...
The author provides the insight necessary for the reader to understand the links between the rise of the Arab world and China and shows the steps we have to take to adjust to this ongoing change. The author uses fifteen years of research gathered from ...
The author provides the insight necessary for the reader to understand the links between the rise of the Arab world and China and shows the steps we have to take to adjust to this ongoing change. The author uses fifteen years of research gathered from ...
Fotografías de Paolo Wood. Entre 1980 y 2005 el comercio bilateral entre China y África se multiplicó por cincuenta y en 2006 había 900 empresas chinas operando en territorio africano. Dos prestigiosos periodistas franceses, Serge Michel y Michel Beuret, ofrecen una reveladora visión de lo ...
Fotografías de Paolo Wood. Entre 1980 y 2005 el comercio bilateral entre China y África se multiplicó por cincuenta y en 2006 había 900 empresas chinas operando en territorio africano. Dos prestigiosos periodistas franceses, Serge Michel y Michel Beuret, ofrecen una reveladora visión de lo ...
Prol. Alicia Varela Donoso. África es el mayor mercado del mundo por descubrir. Un continente lleno de oportunidades crecientes. #Este libro proporciona una buena descripción de las oportunidades en África. Nos parece evidente que cualquier empresa global que tenga interés en crecer debe considerar que ...
Prol. Alicia Varela Donoso. África es el mayor mercado del mundo por descubrir. Un continente lleno de oportunidades crecientes. #Este libro proporciona una buena descripción de las oportunidades en África. Nos parece evidente que cualquier empresa global que tenga interés en crecer debe considerar que ...
Dubai is a remarkable success story. From its origins as a small fishing and pearling community, the emirate has gone from strength to strength, having established itself as the premier trading entrepot of the Arabian Gulf and, in more recent years, having boomed into a ...
Dubai is a remarkable success story. From its origins as a small fishing and pearling community, the emirate has gone from strength to strength, having established itself as the premier trading entrepot of the Arabian Gulf and, in more recent years, having boomed into a ...
This book examines when, how, and why internationalisation affects national economic institutions. It confronts questions at the heart of debates in political economy and comparative politics: What does internationalisation of markets mean? Who are its carriers in domestic arenas? Through which mechanisms does it affect ...
This book examines when, how, and why internationalisation affects national economic institutions. It confronts questions at the heart of debates in political economy and comparative politics: What does internationalisation of markets mean? Who are its carriers in domestic arenas? Through which mechanisms does it affect ...
En este libro Para salir de la crisis global. Análisis y soluciones, el profesor Ramón Tamames se pronuncia sobre cuestiones fundamentales de lo que ha sido un naufragio financiero y económico de dimensiones mundiales y de perspectivas más que complicadas. Prácticamente en todo el planeta ...
En este libro Para salir de la crisis global. Análisis y soluciones, el profesor Ramón Tamames se pronuncia sobre cuestiones fundamentales de lo que ha sido un naufragio financiero y económico de dimensiones mundiales y de perspectivas más que complicadas. Prácticamente en todo el planeta ...
Eds. Zhu Min, Cai Jinqing, Marthe Avery. This comprehensive resource presents the views of China's most highly respected economists, bankers, and policy makers - along with opinions from Western authorities - on the current state of banking and finance in China. Tracing the history of China ...
Eds. Zhu Min, Cai Jinqing, Marthe Avery. This comprehensive resource presents the views of China's most highly respected economists, bankers, and policy makers - along with opinions from Western authorities - on the current state of banking and finance in China. Tracing the history of China ...
Ed. B. Sudhakara Reddy. The role of India and China is expanding in the global economy. A whole new array of economic and financial issues are emerging which need to be tackled if the current period of growth is to endure. The issues that need ...
Ed. B. Sudhakara Reddy. The role of India and China is expanding in the global economy. A whole new array of economic and financial issues are emerging which need to be tackled if the current period of growth is to endure. The issues that need ...
Poland was central to the historic changes that took place across Eastern Europe at the end of the Cold War. It is the largest economy in the region, and was at the forefront of opposition to communism, with the rise of Solidarity in the 1980s ...
Poland was central to the historic changes that took place across Eastern Europe at the end of the Cold War. It is the largest economy in the region, and was at the forefront of opposition to communism, with the rise of Solidarity in the 1980s ...
Eds. lael Brainard, Leonardo Martinez-Diaz. Brazil is once again getting attention in the northern hemisphere-attention long overdue, given its huge and diverse population, its physical size and diversity, and its geopolitical and economic importance as the largest country in Latin America. Long seen as an ...
Eds. lael Brainard, Leonardo Martinez-Diaz. Brazil is once again getting attention in the northern hemisphere-attention long overdue, given its huge and diverse population, its physical size and diversity, and its geopolitical and economic importance as the largest country in Latin America. Long seen as an ...
Elaborated by World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund. "Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism" has been developed by the Financial Market Integrity Unit of the World Bank to support the World Bank's Capacity Enhancement Program on Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing ...
Elaborated by World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund. "Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism" has been developed by the Financial Market Integrity Unit of the World Bank to support the World Bank's Capacity Enhancement Program on Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing ...
In "Imperialism and Global Political Economy", Alex Callinicos intervenes in one of the main political and intellectual debates of the day. The global policies of the United States in the past decade have encouraged the widespread belief that we live in a new era of ...
In "Imperialism and Global Political Economy", Alex Callinicos intervenes in one of the main political and intellectual debates of the day. The global policies of the United States in the past decade have encouraged the widespread belief that we live in a new era of ...
Eds. James M. Boughton, Domenico Lombardi. This book provides an assessment of the role of the International Monetary Fund in poor countries. In recent years, a large portion of the work of the IMF has focused on the economies of low- income countries by aiming ...
Eds. James M. Boughton, Domenico Lombardi. This book provides an assessment of the role of the International Monetary Fund in poor countries. In recent years, a large portion of the work of the IMF has focused on the economies of low- income countries by aiming ...
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