Valuation of intellectual property and intangible assets
- ISBN: 9780471362814
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons Limited
- Fecha de la edición: 2000
- Lugar de la edición: Hoboken. Reino Unido
- Edición número: 3rd ed
- Colección: Intellectual Property Series
- Encuadernación: Cartoné
- Medidas: 25 cm
- Nº Pág.: 672
- Idiomas: Inglés
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Sí, por favor búsquenme este libroThis book is designed to simplify the process of attaching a dollar amount to intangible assets be it for licensing, mergers and acquisitions, loan collateral, or investment purposes. In plain English, the authors answer key questions, such as "What is intellectual property? How do I identify it?" They also provide examples of how to exploit it and methods for determining the economic remaining lives. They explain commonly used stratgeies for determining the value of intellectual property, as well as methods used to set royalty rates based on investment rates of returns ÍNDICE: The Dominance of Intellectual Property.Defining Intangible Assets and Intellectual Property. Intangible Assets and the Business Enterprise. Accounting and Tax Issues. Market Value and Accounting Value. Valuation Principles and Techniques. Market and Cost Approaches. Income Approach#Defining the Economic Contribution. Income Approach#Capitalization of Economic Contribution. Income Approach#Economic Life. When Theory Meets Practice. Licensing, Royalty Rates, and Valuation. Valuation Issues in Transfer Pricing. Special Valuation Situations. Valuation International. Intangible Assets in the Utility Industry. Domain Name Valuation. Early-State Technology Valuation. Unique Aspects of the Not-for-Profit Organization.